Stephens Pharmacy at Citizens Memorial Hospital is launching a program to help people quit smoking and other tobacco use.
Citizens Memorial Hospital announces that Julie Gordon, a registered nurse in the Medical/Surgical Unit, has received the CMH DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nurses for April 2024.
Stephens Pharmacy at Citizens Memorial Hospital is launching a program to help people quit smoking and other tobacco use.
Alzheimer’s disease patients now have another medication option that may help slow the progression of the disease, and Citizens Memorial Hospital (CMH) patients played a role in the drug’s approval.
The Marketing Department for Citizens Memorial Hospital and the Citizens Memorial Healthcare Foundation received national awards for numerous projects in 2024. The honors are from the Healthcare Advertising Awards and the Aster Awards.
Monica Lunsford, CNA, is the March 2024 CMH TULIP Award recipient. She is a certified nurse assistant at Citizens Memorial Hospital’s Medical Surgical Department.
Cathy Bird Wallace, RN, is the recipient of the March 2024 CMH DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nurses. She is a registered nurse at the Ash Grove Healthcare Facility.
First responders from Bolivar are uniting with Community Blood Center of the Ozarks (CBCO), the sole supplier of blood, plasma, and platelets to patients at more than 40 area healthcare facilities, for the Fourth Annual Bolivar Boots, Badges and Bandages Community Challenge Blood Drive.
Friday, June 21
Amanda Foster, RN, received the February 2024 CMH DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nurses. She is a registered nurse with Citizens Memorial Hospital’s Emergency Department.
Olivia Cox, CNA, is the February 2024 CMH TULIP Award recipient. She is a certified nursing assistant at Parkview Health Care Facility in Bolivar.
Juris Simanis, M.D., CAQSM, RMSK, FAAFP, MPH, MsPH, DiMM, FAWM, DiDMM was recently recognized for achieving the “Triple Crown” in wilderness medicine from the Wilderness Medical Society. He is among the first five physicians worldwide to complete all three programs.
The Ozarks Health Commission (OHC), a coalition of public health entities, hospital partners and community leaders across the Ozarks region, has come together again to better understand the health status, behaviors and needs of the residents in our region.
Saturday, May 4, the 11th Annual Citizens Memorial Heroes for Hospice Race had more than 400 participants, despite the threat of bad weather. The race is presented by Craig Lehman Shelter Insurance and sported a Star Wars theme this year.
The Polk County Health Center staff are dedicated to serve and support individuals by providing healthcare, education, and resources to build a safer and healthier community. Always promoting public health through high-quality healthcare, education, and environmental health inspections. The nursing staff provides routine services including vaccinations and disease screenings, as well as foot care for seniors. The PCHC are proud to partner with schools and organizations to provide group education on health and safety topics while promoting individual education on topics such as car seats and safe cribs. The local environmental health staff performs restaurant and daycare inspections to ensure the spaces in which we live are safe and sanitary. Additionally, PCHC has the privilege of serving families through programs like WIC, Show Me Healthy Women, and Wise Women.
Tammie Callaway, longtime administrator of Butterfield Residential Care Center is retiring in April after working for CMH for 36 years.
Children’s Mercy Kansas City, a leading independent children’s health organization, is excited to collaborate with Mercy Hospital Springfield for the expansion of Children’s Mercy’s world-class system of pediatric care and translational research into Southwest Missouri. This collaboration will enable most children to access care right in their own community without having to travel hours for appointments. Children’s Mercy and Mercy Hospital Springfield are working together to define the scope of services and necessary agreements that will guide this investment in the health and well-being of all children throughout Southwest Missouri.
Art Sync Gallery on the Bolivar square, will be having their "Open Theme" Art Opening Saturday, March 16, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. This is a judged show with cash awards. It's open to the public with 2D & 3D work accepted. Refreshments and artistic door prizes will be available. Go by the gallery for more information and sign up for the show. Find us on Facebook.
The Bolivar CTA is hosting the annual School Board Candidate Forum on Monday, March 18 in the Bolivar Board Room at the Central Office. The forum will begin at 6 p.m. with general
The Bolivar School District is excited to announce Proposition Liberators R-1, a no-tax-increase bond issue on the upcoming April 2nd ballot. If passed, this bond issue will provide $11 million in funds to complete crucial capital projects aimed at enhancing educational facilities and opportunities for Bolivar students. For months, the Bolivar School District has collected input from staff, students, parents, and community members about which projects are the most important to Bolivar.
Ryan Skopec named administrator
Public pre-testing of the Image Cast voting machines for the April 2, 2024 General Municipal Election will be held from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Wednesday, March 21, at the Polk County Road & Bridge Complex conference room, 724 S Killingsworth, Bolivar.
On Wednesday, March 6, the Polk County 4-H Council officers, Polk and Hickory County club officers and 4-H members made a trip to the State Capital in Jefferson City. Meetings with Senator Sandy Crawford, Representative Mike Stephens, Representative Jim Kalberloh, and First Lady Teresa Parson happened throughout the day. The group began their day with a tour of the Governor’s Mansion led by First Lady Parson. After meetings with the legislators the 4-H’ers explored the Capital including the Thomas Hart Benton Room.
Citizens Memorial Hospital welcomes Shelby Bailey, FNP-C, to the new CMH Health & Wellness Clinic.
Tim Francka was named the administrative director of long-term care at Citizens Memorial Health Care Foundation. He oversees all CMH Foundation long-term care, residential care and independent living facilities.