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5752 results total, viewing 4126 - 4150
Show us what you love about Polk County! more
On my desk, there are three essential things – my laptop, a computer mouse, and a no-frills, lined pad of paper. Without the computer and mouse, nothing could get done. But without that humble pad of paper where I scribble my to-do list, I wouldn’t remember what needed doing in the first place. more
The Halfway High School class of 1970 met Nov. 4, at Smith’s Restaurant for a class get together. more
For most of my life our nation’s commanders-in-chief were seasoned by military service, nine tempered in the fire of combat service. more
On Friday, Nov. 3, at 1:40 p.m., Corporal J.R. Rorie responded to a vehicle accident three miles south of Bolivar on MO-13. Tammy Combs, 57, of Springfield, was driving north on the highway when she went off the road. Combs was not wearing a seatbelt and was ejected when her vehicle overturned. She was transported to CMH in Bolivar and was pronounced deceased at 2:48 p.m. by Dr. Assmann. Combs’ 2008 Chevrolet Impala was totaled in the accident and was removed by B&B Wrecker. more
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Amy Lou King Creekmore more
We want to see your deer pictures. more
Jared Bennett Elliott more
Marjorie Lee Moore Cornell more
BOLIVAR, MO — In partnership with the local Matilda Polk Campbell chapter of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution, Bolivar Mayor Christopher D. Warwick recently signed a proclamation declaring Wednesday, Nov. 1, 2023, as Family Literacy Day in Bolivar. more
The Polk County Health Center announces a contract continuance to provide WIC services for federal fiscal year 2024. The contract has been signed with the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services. Women, Infants and Children (WIC) is a special supplemental nutrition program providing services to pregnant women, new mothers, infants and children up to their 5th birthday based on nutritional risk and income eligibility. more
Ninety-eight families have already registered to receive gift bags and food from the annual Share Your Christmas program sponsored by Polk County Christian Social Ministries. more
Bolivar Elks Breakfast more
How well do you know Polk County? more
CMH Hospice's annual holiday fundraiser honors the lives of loved ones more
Community Events more
The community is invited to attend the Bolivar Area Chamber of Commerce Annual Meeting on Thursday, Nov. 9, at noon in the fellowship hall of Bolivar First Assembly, 1320 S. Springfield Ave. Lunch is $10. more
Weather report more
Each year, the Missouri Association of Rural Education requests and receives nominations for the various “Outstanding Rural Education Awards.” An Awards Committee reviews the nominations and selects those to receive each award. The awards are presented during the awards luncheon as part of the annual conference. Winners are presented with a plaque noting their designation as an “Outstanding Rural Education Award'' recipient. more
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