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The Bolivar Area Community Foundation (an affiliate of the Community Foundation of the Ozarks) is seeking applications for grants from two funds. The Human Services-Community Betterment Fund is granting $15,000 within the range of $3,000 per agency. Only 501c3 agencies may apply every two years. The deadline for submitting grant applications is Oct. 1. more
The loss of a loved one can have powerful effects on each of us. If you are looking for a caring small group in which to find support, encouragement, and help, then our GriefShare groups might be just the thing you are looking for. This program is a grief support group that features Christ-centered, biblical teaching that focuses on grief topics associated with the death of a loved one. The DVD seminar features nationally respected grief experts, counselors, and real-life stories of people just like you, followed by a small group discussion about what was seen on the DVD. more
This sighting was confirmed in Shannon County on Sept. 12 more
Program includes in-person and virtual options for participation. more
The Bolivar Community Teachers Association is now accepting applications for the Fall 2023 student-teaching scholarship. more
Golfers and sponsors alike will have the chance to turn an upcoming round of golf play into a tremendous benefit for a serious cause this October during the first Play Fore Pink golf tournament. more
Citizens Memorial Hospital Pediatric Clinic will offer three drive-thru flu shot clinics for children aged 6 months to high school seniors from 4-6 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 5, Thursday, Oct. 12, and Tuesday, Oct. 17, outside the clinic located at 1195 N. Oakland Ave., Bolivar. more
The Bolivar Area Chamber of Commerce is now accepting nominations for 2023 Business of the Year. more
Deaths more
The Bolivar High School Class of 1978 celebrated their 45th reunion on Saturday, Sept. 23, at Smith's Restaurant. 1978 BHS Class members mark your calendars to celebrate 50 years during homecoming weekend, September of 2027! more
Edith “Tudie” Elizabeth Bybee more
Harold Lee Weaver more
A. Delores Heimsoth more
How well do you know Polk County? more
The public is invited to a groundbreaking ceremony at 11 a.m. Thursday, Sept. 28, for the Citizens Memorial Hospital expansion in Bolivar. Lunch will be served after the ceremony. more
Center Stage Dance Academy dancers were invited to perform at the Nascar 75th Anniversary Cup Series at the Kansas City Speedway on Sunday, Sept. 10. Terri Kirksey, owner of Center Stage, received a call from Nascar in April asking if they would like to perform at Nascar, and she was very excited to have this amazing opportunity for her dancers. Terri hand picked a group of students that were dedicated and up for the task of working hard for hours a day during summer break to put together a great show. The girls worked many hours every week during the summer to perfect a 15-minute non-stop routine that was race car themed for the Nascar opening ceremonies. more
After a rainy morning, the afternoon gave way to some sunshine in time for the Liberator's to make their way through the Bolivar square for the annual homecoming parade. For more scenes from the parade see Page 12. more
Thursday, Sept. 28 more
Talk to your physician… don’t wait. more
The Davolt family started their St. Jude Run/Walk teams six-years ago when their granddaughter, Ellie, was diagnosed with leukemia right after her 13th birthday. Thanks to St. Jude and their cutting edge treatments and incredible doctors and nurses, Ellie is cancer-free and starting her freshman year at MSU. more
Citizens Memorial Hospital Endocrinology Center welcomes registered dietitian Jessica Jennings as a diabetes educator in the clinic. She provides diabetes self-management education and nutrition counseling for diabetic patients. more
COM's food pantry is visited by all kinds of people. About one quarter of pantry shoppers are seniors, others are unemployed individuals, and many are working one or two jobs. more
Show us what you love about Polk County! more
The Save The Lake Committee will host another public meeting at 1 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 1, at the pavilion located behind the Pomme de Terre Corps of Engineers office building. more
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