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Many in the Bolivar area know Minda Cox, a local author and artist who, having been born without arms or legs, can often be seen driving her electric wheelchair along the sidewalks all over town. more
A local teen has been selected to join the Missouri 4-H Shooting Sports Ambassador team. The Missouri 4-H Shooting Sports Ambassador Program is designed to promote 4-H and 4-H Shooting Sports. Youth selected to serve as Ambassadors will receive training that will allow them to return to their homes and advocate for the program at the county, regional, and state level. more
A local girl in need of heart surgery has managed to tug on the heart strings of many people in the Bolivar area. The community and neighboring areas are rallying around nine-year-old Moxie Garrison to raise awareness and funds to help her get the care she needs. more
Citizens Memorial Health Care Foundation recently accepted a check for $500 from Bolivar Intermediate School Student Council for breast cancer patients at the Carrie J. Babb Cancer Center at CMH. The students raised money through their holiday store. more
From the time they were big enough to make their own beds, my girls always had rooms of their own. more
Citizens Memorial Hospice is hosting bereavement support group classes starting Tuesday, March 14, from 9-10:30 a.m. at CMH Administrative Center, 102 S. Springfield Ave., in Bolivar. more
On Wednesday, Feb. 22, the local chapter of TOPS 0607 Bolivar held their annual awards ceremony and reception. Members were honored with certificates and charms for both weight loss and non-scale achievements during 2022. more
Brighton Saddle Club will host their monthly meeting at 6:30 p.m. at Smith's Restaurant on Tuesday, March 14. more
The Bolivar High School Debate students made their debut at the Bar Association of Missouri St. Louis (BAMSL) Southwest Missouri Regional Tournament on Saturday, Feb. 25 at Evangel University in Springfield. more
Mary Lou Simmons more
The Polk County Genealogical Society (PCGS) will once again be offering the service of placing flowers on graves for Memorial Day. Orders may be made from March 1 through May 1, 2023. The choices for flowers will be either a small spray placed by the stone or a saddle placed over the top of the stone. The cost for the saddle is $50 and the bouquet is $20. Deliveries can be made to cemeteries in Polk County. more
Monday, March 13 — BBQ beef on bun, mac and cheese, side salad, fruit cocktail, celebration cake. more
The Matilda Polk Campbell chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution, will hold its monthly meeting at 1 p.m. Saturday, March 18, at Open Hearts United Methodist Church, Bolivar. The program will be presented by Leta Gass on “Polk County, USA”. more
How well do you know Polk County? more
The Polk County Clerk’s office will be open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday and open through the lunch hour for absentee voting. more
Last month, Bolivar High School student Caleb Simpson, son of Sandy and Alan Simpson, competed and won first place in the Missouri Young Farmer/Young Farm Wives state-level speech contest in Osage Beach. more
Registration is open for the Saturday, May 6, Citizens Memorial Health Care Foundation’s Heroes for Hospice 5K/10K Run presented by Craig Lehman-Shelter Insurance. The race begins at 9 a.m. and will be electronically timed for accuracy. more
What would some of us do without worry? In Matthew 6:27, Jesus asked, “Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?” Worry has no positive side effects. It subtracts moments from your life in heart stress and rising blood pressure. You can’t be happy if you worry. Quit worrying! You can’t be the person God wants you to be if you worry. more
The Bolivar CTA is hosting the annual School Board Candidate Forum on Thursday, March 16 in the Bolivar Board Room at the Central Office. more
The Bolivar School District named the winners for the Teacher of the Year and Employee of the Year awards. Two recipients — one for the employee category and one for the teacher category — were selected from each of the Bolivar School buildings. Bolivar Schools Superintendent Dr. Richard Asbill presented the awards to the recipients. more
The Bolivar Rotary Club held a meeting on Wednesday, February 22 at Citizens Memorial Hospital in the Community Room to celebrate the club’s 85th anniversary. more
A man was hurt in a single-vehicle crash at 8:50 p.m. on Saturday, March 4 close to Bolivar. more
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