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Geneva Turner Goins more
The 7th annual Bolivar Dancing With The Stars All-Class Prom and Project Graduation Fundraiser will be at Bolivar High School at 6 p.m. Saturday, April 8. The event normally draws a crowd of 1,500 fans. It always provides lots of fun for all the family, while helping raise money for prom and project graduation for the Bolivar High School students. more
Deana Burgess lives in Webster County. After seeing a Facebook post, she traveled to the Bolivar area to meet Biscuit, who was being fostered at the time for the Polk County Humane Society or PCHS. more
Michael Lee Husmann more
Henry Lee Kane more
Pleasant Hope Middle School recently released its third-quarter honor roll. According to a school news release, the following students earned spots on the list: more
How well do you know Polk County? more
Featuring a variety of fashionable western wear from casual rodeo styles to fancy cowboy bling, the new Missouri Beef Days Fashion Show will showcase plenty of options from local merchants to help patrons prepare for all MBD events. The added event, presented by Craig Lehman Shelter Insurance, is set for Thursday, March 30 at the Bolivar Elks Lodge, 1999 W. Broadway. Doors open at 5 p.m. with the show starting at 6 p.m. Tickets are $7.80 online at missouribeefdays.com and include small bites, drinks, and a gift bag. more
The Matilda Polk Campbell chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution, will hold its monthly meeting at 1 p.m. Saturday, March 18, at Open Hearts United Methodist Church, Bolivar. The program will be presented by Leta Gass on “Polk County, USA”. more
The Polk County Clerk’s office will be open from 8 a.m. to noon Saturday, April 1, for those wishing to cast absentee ballots for Tuesday’s April 4, 2023 general municipal election. more
Public pre-testing of the Image Cast voting machines for the April 4, 2023 general municipal election will be from 9 a.m. to 12 noon. on Wednesday, March 22, at the Polk County Road and Bridge Complex conference room, 724 S Killingsworth, Bolivar. more
Kcee Reichert, Bolivar High School Dual Credit Math Teacher, Math Dept Head, Co-Senior Trip Coordinator, Junior Class Sponsor more
Many in the Bolivar area know Minda Cox, a local author and artist who, having been born without arms or legs, can often be seen driving her electric wheelchair along the sidewalks all over town. more
A local teen has been selected to join the Missouri 4-H Shooting Sports Ambassador team. The Missouri 4-H Shooting Sports Ambassador Program is designed to promote 4-H and 4-H Shooting Sports. Youth selected to serve as Ambassadors will receive training that will allow them to return to their homes and advocate for the program at the county, regional, and state level. more
A local girl in need of heart surgery has managed to tug on the heart strings of many people in the Bolivar area. The community and neighboring areas are rallying around nine-year-old Moxie Garrison to raise awareness and funds to help her get the care she needs. more
Citizens Memorial Health Care Foundation recently accepted a check for $500 from Bolivar Intermediate School Student Council for breast cancer patients at the Carrie J. Babb Cancer Center at CMH. The students raised money through their holiday store. more
From the time they were big enough to make their own beds, my girls always had rooms of their own. more
Citizens Memorial Hospice is hosting bereavement support group classes starting Tuesday, March 14, from 9-10:30 a.m. at CMH Administrative Center, 102 S. Springfield Ave., in Bolivar. more
On Wednesday, Feb. 22, the local chapter of TOPS 0607 Bolivar held their annual awards ceremony and reception. Members were honored with certificates and charms for both weight loss and non-scale achievements during 2022. more
Brighton Saddle Club will host their monthly meeting at 6:30 p.m. at Smith's Restaurant on Tuesday, March 14. more
The Bolivar High School Debate students made their debut at the Bar Association of Missouri St. Louis (BAMSL) Southwest Missouri Regional Tournament on Saturday, Feb. 25 at Evangel University in Springfield. more
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