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Mrs. Joelle Smith’s first grade class at Bolivar Primary School had a mission to raise $4,000 in order to assemble and deliver Easter baskets to residents at Butterfield Residential Care Center. Not only did the students manage to reach their fundraising goal, they were also able to bring some springtime joy to local senior citizens. more
Another fun and exciting evening was on tap at Bolivar High School, Saturday, April 8. The 7th Annual Dancing With The Stars provided a full evening of entertainment to a sold out crowd. more
Bolivar Technical College is inviting the community to their upcoming Spring Food Trucks event. Food trucks will start serving food at 11 a.m., rain or shine, on the BTC campus, located at 1135 N Oakland Ave., across from Citizens Memorial Hospital. This year, some new food truck options will be available. more
The upcoming election on Tuesday, April 4 proposes some tax-related issues on the ballot. Proposition U — the “U” meaning “use,” as in “use tax” — will be voted upon in the City of Bolivar and in Polk County. more
The Boys Liberator Wrestling team competed in the Class 3 District 3 tournament February 17-18, finishing behind Carl Junction for 2nd Place. Bolivar filled all more
Thursday, Feb. 16, students and members of the school board, along with Bolivar school faculty, joined Dr. Asbill in the official groundbreaking for the new FEMA building to be located at Bolivar Middle School. An earlier article stated that the building was scheduled to be completed in October 2023. more
Friday, Feb. 10, 100 volunteers had the honor of welcoming 124 guests to Night to Shine 2023, the first in-person event since the beginning of COVID. more
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