The Missouri Century Farm application is now open. Applications must be submitted by May 1.
Guidelines used for the selection and recognition of Missouri Century Farms:
The same family must have owned the farm for 100 consecutive years or more as of Dec. 31, 2023.
The line of ownership from the original settler or buyer may be through children, grandchildren, siblings and nephews and nieces, including through marriage or adoption.
The present farm shall consist of no less than 40 acres of the original land and shall make a financial contribution to the overall farm income.
Applications are now available online. A fee of $140 is required to cover processing costs, one certificate, a booklet and one two-sided, 2-foot by 2-foot metal sign (includes MU and Missouri Farm Bureau logos) for each approved farm. Application deadline is May 1.
Downloadable, mail-in forms are available upon request via email to MU Extension Communications at or phone at 573-882-7216.