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Genealogy group to meet


The Polk County Genealogical Society will hold its monthly meeting Thursday, Aug. 4, at the Society’s
research facility on the southeast corner of the square.

The program for the evening will be presented by Deb Shirley and Donna Prudhoe. They will share the
true story of a little girl who wanted to visit her grandma but the family couldn’t afford a train ticket for
her. Come to see how she made it to grandma’s house and the unique way she traveled. You will
definitely enjoy their presentation.

The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. with a short business meeting. The program will follow. The public is
invited to attend.

One does not have to be a member to attend meetings or use our facility. We enjoy helping people
connect with their lost roots. Sometimes we are even able to break through some brick walls or prove a
family lore. We also like to just sit and listen to stories one might have to tell. Come visit with us on
Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday between the hours of 10 a.m. and 2p.m. We’d love to see