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TOPS hosts 75th anniversary meeting


The Bolivar chapter of TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) will be hosting a regional meeting to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the organization. TOPS is an international non-profit weight loss support organization. Chapters from the surrounding area will be attending the meeting from 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, March 25.

The event will be held at the Open Hearts Methodist Church at the corner of Main and Division streets in Bolivar. TOPS will share ideas for successful weight loss and mild exercise and give a review of TOPS through the years. The organization will also have fun activities, door prizes and various other items throughout the meeting.

Attendees are asked to bring a sack lunch. Drinks will be provided.

Visitors are welcome to attend. For more information about becoming healthier, finding a supportive group of friends, and learning strategies to become the best that you be, contact Donna Loven at 417-253-5717.