A program to help female landowners and operators understand ag leases and ‘what it’s worth’ when it comes to land and agricultural activities will be offered again, this fall, in a series of evening events.
“Efficient forage management and utilization is important to the profitability of a livestock operation,” says Patrick Davis MU Extension Livestock Field Specialist. The best way to promote efficient forage management and utilization in a livestock operation is by incorporating management intensive grazing practices. To educate livestock producers on these practices MU Extension, Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS), MO Forage and Grasslands Council and Cedar County MO Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) are cooperating to provide a Management Intensive Grazing School on October 1st -3rd at the Stockton United Methodist Church Basement, 708 East Highway 32, Stockton, MO 65785. Classes will begin at 9 a.m. and end at approximately 5 p.m. daily.
COLUMBIA, Mo. – University of Missouri Extension’s Plant Diagnostic Clinic, in partnership with the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC), will offer free testing for all common oak tree diseases in 2024.
Hermitage, MO - Blackberry (Rubus sp.) is a warm season, native, perennial, woody shrub, or
This time of year we receive a lot of calls about Johnsongrass. Is it bad for my cows? Will it kill my cows? Is it true that it can cause cattle to abort? The answer to those questions is yes, however, Johnsongrass is also an excellent summer pasture plant under certain conditions.
“Efficient forage management and utilization is important to the profitability of a livestock operation,” says Patrick Davis MU Extension Livestock Field Specialist. The best way to promote efficient forage management and utilization in a livestock operation is by incorporating management intensive grazing practices. To educate livestock producers on these practices MU Extension, Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS), MO Forage and Grasslands Council and Barton County MO Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) are cooperating to provide a Management Intensive Grazing School on Sept.10-12 at the First Baptist Church Family Life and Outreach Center, 1301 East 6th Street, Lamar, MO 64759. Classes will begin at 9 a.m. and end at approximately 5 p.m. daily.
Keith believes that agriculture is the driver of his local economy, and he wants to share the story of the beef industry with his neighbors and community.
“Adding value to a cow calf operation is important to its sustainability,” says Patrick Davis, MU Extension Livestock Field Specialist. Understanding how your cattle perform in the feedlot and at slaughter and making management decisions to improve these aspects of your cow calf operation potentially add value to your operation. Therefore, through cooperative efforts of MU Extension, Show Me Youth Ag Academy, and Missouri State University the MO Steer Feedout is enrolling spring born steers to begin feeding in November. Davis will further discuss this long running program where cow calf operators have been able to
Statewide seminar series offers market outlook, program updates and more.
The Marion C. Early FFA will be hosting a kickoff supper at 6:30 p.m. Monday, Aug. 12, at the MCE Ag building, 15309 S. Main Street, Morrisville.
This time of year we receive a lot of calls about Johnsongrass. Is it bad for my cows? Will it kill my cows? Is it true that it can cause cattle to abort? The answer to those questions is yes, however, Johnsongrass is also an excellent summer pasture plant under certain conditions.
“Adding value to a cow calf operation is important to its sustainability,” says Patrick Davis, MU Extension Livestock Field Specialist. Understanding how your cattle perform in the feedlot and at slaughter and making management decisions to improve these aspects of your cow calf operation potentially add value to your operation. Therefore, through cooperative efforts of MU Extension, Show Me Youth Ag Academy, and Missouri State University the MO Steer Feedout is enrolling spring born steers to begin feeding in November. Davis will further discuss this long running program where cow calf operators have been able to
“As hay season continues, I see a lot of large round hay bales being stored outside,” says Patrick Davis, MU Extension Livestock Field Specialist. If hay is not stored properly outside farmers can see significant dry matter and quality losses. Factors that contribute to these losses include:
Highlight of Fair Play pasture walk
By Jim Hamilton
The Dadeville 4-H Livestock Judging Team began learning the “in’s and out’s” of competitive livestock judging beginning in February, 2024 during after school practices for one and one-half hours, once per week. Busy schedules prevented intense practicing, but by watching instructional videos on beef, swine, sheep and meat goats along with participation in three live beef animal workouts, team members were ready to “try their hands” at a full-fledged judging contest. The team’s first opportunity came at the Gold Buckle Extravaganza held at the Ozark Empire Fairgrounds, July 20, 2024. A strong first showing was made and each team member’s efforts are to be commended.
The 2024 4-H Ag Innovators Experience (4-H AIE) Protect the Plate, explores how different technologies have transformed agriculture and how farmers, government, and consumers must continue to innovate, learn, and adapt to grow more food in a sustainable manner while focusing on food safety. The activity dives into the science behind food safety and the role crops play in food safety, especially in the solutions to feed a hungry planet.
Ragweeds are flowering plants in the genus Ambrosia in the aster family, Asteraceae. Ragweeds are erect, single stemmed, summer annual weeds primarily found in pastures, hayfields, right-of-ways, timberlines, and roadsides. Several species have been introduced to our region, some have naturalized, and many have become invasive species over time. These plants can cause allergy sufferers major problems (Hay Fever) during the summer and fall times of the year. Ragweed, depending on which one it is, can germinate and grow through the entire summer months as well as late into the fall. Pastures which are overgrazed, thin, low in fertility, and abused will most likely contain Common and Lance Leaf Ragweed. Giant Ragweed prefers a more fertile soil to grow. Ragweed seeds are often brought to and spread on the farm through low quality/cheap hay, which was put up to late in the year.
“Native warm season grasses can be an important forage as cattle operations move to the summer months,” says Patrick Davis MU Extension Livestock Field Specialist.
COLUMBIA, Mo. – Missouri corn and soybean growers are reporting growing numbers of Japanese beetles in crops in recent weeks, says University of Missouri Extension state entomologist Ivair Valmorbida.
Stockton, MO- “Summertime brings factors that lead to anaplasmosis in cattle operations,” says Patrick Davis MU Extension Livestock Field Specialist. Anaplasmosis can negatively impact cattle operation performance due to calf abortions, decreased weight gain, bull infertility and animal death. Davis will discuss anaplasmosis and management strategies to reduce its negative impact.
Perilla Mint (Perilla frutescens) is an erect, herbaceous annual weed originally from eastern Asia. It may also be known as the beefsteak plant, common mint, or Chinese basil.
The proclamation ceremony took place Monday, June 10, in Jefferson City.
Many farmers across the state have just made or will soon make their first hay of the season. While making hay, it is important for growers to notice and remove any poison hemlock from their hay or pasture fields.
NAME: Brynley Waters
For 77 years the Polk County Junior Livestock Show and Youth Fair has been bringing people from all around the surrounding area to enjoy a weekend of livestock shows, tractor pulls, auctions, contests and so much more.
By Linda Simmons