With its variety of exciting events, Missouri Beef Days 2024 is sure to appeal to people from all walks of life, including people of faith. On Sunday, May 5, at Diamond S Indoor Arena, a special cowboy church service will be held.
Three particular events from this year’s Missouri Beef Days lineup will each shine a different light on the area’s agriculture industry.
There was a misquote in the March 29 article, “Liberty Utilities Proposes Drastic Water Rate Increase.” In the chart, it reads, “The information provided by Liberty’s website shows the new base rates for usage up to 5,000 gallons/month.” It should read, “The information provided by Liberty’s website shows the rates for the average customer using 5,000 gallons/month.”
Makayla Methvin of Bolivar, was one of 30 high school sophomores recently selected to participate in the Missouri Department of Agriculture’s Missouri Agribusiness Academy (MAbA). Methvin and the other students selected will spend a week in June in the Springfield area learning about many of the unique opportunities available in agriculture.
On Wednesday, March 6, the Polk County 4-H Council officers, Polk and Hickory County club officers and 4-H members made a trip to the State Capital in Jefferson City. Meetings with Senator Sandy Crawford, Representative Mike Stephens, Representative Jim Kalberloh, and First Lady Teresa Parson happened throughout the day. The group began their day with a tour of the Governor’s Mansion led by First Lady Parson. After meetings with the legislators the 4-H’ers explored the Capital including the Thomas Hart Benton Room.
JEFFERSON CITY, MO.-Seeds of knowledge are being planted by members of the Maron C. Early FFA Chapter in local classrooms this spring as elementary students participate in Agriculture Education on the Move™ (Ag Moves). Through Ag Moves, an educational program of Missouri Farmers Care, students learn how their lives are connected to agriculture through hands-on learning led by passionate educators in their classrooms.
On Wednesday, Feb. 28, Polk County 4-H Council and club officers were honored to join the Bolivar Rotary at their monthly luncheon. The 4-H’ers enjoyed the recognition and in turn shared information about 4-H and their projects. To learn more about 4-H contact Velynda Cameron by email at cameronv@missouri.edu or by phone at 417-326-4916.
The annual Polk County Forage and Livestock Conference will be held Monday, March 18, at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church – McKenna Hall. The evening will begin with a beef dinner at 6 p.m. The dinner is sponsored by Mid-Missouri Bank and FCS Financial.
Art Sync Gallery on the Bolivar square, will be having their "Open Theme" Art Opening Saturday, March 16, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. This is a judged show with cash awards. It's open to the public with 2D & 3D work accepted. Refreshments and artistic door prizes will be available. Go by the gallery for more information and sign up for the show. Find us on Facebook.
The annual Polk County Forage and Livestock Conference will be held Monday, March 18, at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church – McKenna Hall. The evening will begin with a beef dinner at 6 p.m. The dinner is sponsored by Mid-Missouri Bank and FCS Financial.
The Polk County University of Missouri Extension is sponsoring a Spring Garden Planning workshop on Saturday, March 9 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Polk County Extension Center, 110 E Jefferson, Bolivar. Cost for the event is $10 per participant.
The annual Polk County Forage and Livestock Conference will be held Monday, March 18, at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church – McKenna Hall. The evening will begin with a beef dinner at 6 p.m. The dinner is sponsored by Mid-Missouri Bank and FCS Financial.
The Woodlawn 4-H meeting was very productive. We had pizza and hotdogs and discussed new and old business. Recently, we had our annual Soup Supper and Dessert Auction. During this event we raised $1,986 for Polk County 4-H.
By Landon Escajeda and Beckett Miller.
The Bolivar FFA chapter dedicated "Drive Your Tractor to School" day to Kolby Hale. Kolby Hale was a 2023 graduate of Bolivar High school and loved being a part of the local FFA chapter.
Members of the Bolivar FFA chapter had their annual ‘Drive Your Tractor to School’ day on Friday, Feb. 23. From the smallest to the humongous, the tractors made a great entrance to BHS on a cool, sunny morning. Having lost a former FFA member just the day before, the chapter dedicated this year’s drive to Kolby Hale. For more pictures see page 10.
The Polk County University of Missouri Extension is sponsoring a Spring Garden Planning workshop on Saturday, March 9 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Polk County Extension Center, 110 E Jefferson, Bolivar. Cost for the event is $10 per participant.
On Saturday evening Feb. 17, the Polk County 4-H hosted their annual Soup Supper and Dessert Auction. Soups and desserts were made and donated by the county 4-H families. Zach Artz volunteered his time as auctioneer. The youth would like to thank the community for their generosity in donations. There were approximately 110 people in attendance. The event was a success in raising close to $2,000 which will support the 4-H programming in Polk county.
Applications are now available to apply to become a Missouri Century Farm. Guidelines for becoming a Century Farm are:
The approach of spring signals that Missouri Beef Days 2024 is not far away. The weeklong event packed full of family fun including a rodeo, parade, banquet, ag expo, cowboy church, and concert by the Ozark Mountain Daredevils runs from May 4-11 in Bolivar, but those still wanting to become a sponsor have only until March 1 to guarantee the best choice of benefits – including one of those famous cut-out cows.
Some things that happen on a hobby farm just have to be shared. As I was feeding the cows on Wednesday afternoon I noticed one of my cows, Reva, was going to calve at any time. On Thursday when I was feeding as expected I had a new heifer calf that had been born the night before on Valentines Day. When I have new calves I always take pictures and send to my niece and nephew so my great-niece and -nephew can name them. After they decided on the name Valentine, Val for short, I posted the picture on Facebook as usual. After posting I looked at the photo and realized that Val had an almost perfect heart on her forehead. What are the chances of that? When talking with one of my coworkers the next day he commented that the stars had to align perfectly for this to happen!!
Mason Bruce Hopkins, a member of the Fair Play FFA chapter recently received the American FFA Degree. Members earning this degree were among a select group of individuals to be recognized for years of academic and professional excellence. The honor was presented on Nov. 4 at the 96th National FFA Convention, held in Indianapolis, IN.
Missouri Beef Days, the state’s signature family event celebrating the beef industry, announces the hiring of Katie Roweton as Executive Coordinator in preparation for this year’s events, which run from May 4-11 in Bolivar.
Wednesday, Feb. 14
Feb. 17 at the Polk County Fairgrounds
Applications are now available to apply to become a Missouri Century Farm. Guidelines for becoming a Century Farm are: