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Living Better
216 results total, viewing 151 - 175
Citizens Memorial Hospital welcomes licensed clinical psychologist, Stephen Belk, Psy.D, to the CMH medical staff. Dr. Belk will see patients at Bolivar Family Care Center in Bolivar. more
Citizens Memorial Hospice is hosting bereavement support group classes starting Monday, June 12, at 5:30 p.m. at CMH Douglas Medical Center, North entrance, Classroom A, 1155 West Parkview St., in Bolivar. Participants will use the information services door. more
Monday, June 12 — Chicken salad sandwich, lettuce, tomato, pickle, onion, carrot and raisin salad, chocolate pudding, celebration cake. more
There are many reasons why people who use drugs and alcohol do not get the help they need to overcome their addictions and other issues. more
Monday, June 5 — BBQ beef stuff, baked potato, cheese, sour cream, onion, side salad, cherry cake. more
The annual Community Play Day, hosted by Polk County Community Connections, will take place on Saturday, June 3. more
Citizens Memorial Hospital/Citizens Memorial Health Care Foundation recently celebrated service milestones for 254 employees who have reached five to 40 years of service to CMH. more
Jerald Andrews recently joined Citizens Memorial Health Care Foundation as a campaign adviser.  more
Citizens Memorial Hospital announces the addition of orthopedic hand surgeon J. Scott Swango, M.D., to its medical staff. more
Monday, May 29 — Closed for Memorial Day. more
See what’s going on in Polk County! Mark your calendars for these upcoming events. Some events may require registration or admission fees; please contact the organization for more details. more
Bolivar Technical College held a memorable graduation ceremony to honor the remarkable achievements of the Professional Nursing (RN) Class of 2023. The event took place on May 6th, 2023, marking a significant milestone in the lives of these dedicated individuals who have successfully completed their rigorous academic journey. more
Patients at the Missouri Memory Center at Citizens Memorial Hospital participated in a nationwide clinical trial with positive results in Alzheimer’s disease treatment.  more
Monday, May 22 — Chef salad, lettuce, tomato, cucumber, cheese, egg, ham or turkey, bread stick, German chocolate cake. more
Citizens Memorial Hospital announces the creation of the new CMH Research Department, which will expand clinical research studies at CMH. more
Ozarks Community Health Center recently awarded 10 scholarships to local graduating seniors. more
The loss of a loved one can have powerful effects on each of us. If you are looking for a caring small group in which to find support, encouragement, and help, then our GriefShare groups might be just the thing you are looking for. more
The Missouri State Board of Nursing has awarded Southwest Baptist University nearly $300,000 in grant money to enhance and grow the SBU nursing programs on both the Bolivar and Springfield campuses. more
Monday, May 15 — Cashew Chicken, rice, egg roll, fortune cookie, chocolate cake. more
Citizens Memorial Hospital and the Citizens Memorial Health Care Foundation announce additions/changes to its nursing leadership. more
Mollie Meeks more
Citizens Memorial Hospital and Citizens Memorial Health Care Foundation announce recent changes to its boards of directors. more
Arralyn Cline, a junior at Bolivar High School, is a delegate to the Congress of Future Medical Leaders to be held June 21-23, just outside Boston, on the University of Massachusetts Lowell campus. more
Community Blood Center of the Ozarks (CBCO) will hold a blood drive at Citizens Memorial Hospital from 12 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Thursday, May 4. more
All are invited to join with Polk County Community Connections at the regular monthly meeting time for the annual ‘Gathering Practice.’ The event, at 7:30 a.m., Thursday, May 4, is in the community rooms at Citizens Memorial Hospital, 1500 N. Oakland, Bolivar. Guest speaker is Dwain Banner, owner of Creator Designs with special music provided by Jeremy and Kim Scowden, owners of Stellar Real Estate. Rolls, coffee and juice are provided by CMH. more
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