This past summer, local artist Larry Johnston spent several weeks teaching acrylic painting to the Young at Art class at the senior center. He produced a painting with various natural features, including a waterfall. After the course, he graciously donated his painting to the class. He suggested that we use it as a fundraiser. As a result, we held a raffle in November and Bolivar resident Gary White was the winner. Mr. Johnston joined the members of our art group in presenting the picture to White, who donated the painting to the Senior Center to be enjoyed by everyone.
This often misunderstood concept in American politics is one of the key factors that make America a Constitutional Republic and not a straight Democracy. The system was created to preserve the concepts of Federalism, or the rights of the states. It keeps major population centers from being the sole creators of U.S. policy. For example, California has a significantly higher number of people than Nebraska, and have very different political values. If elections were straight democracies, the vote would always go the way of CA, NY, and other large states. With the EC, states with smaller populations can make their voice heard. The number of electors for each state is the number of national representatives. Each state has two senators and a varying number of representatives based on population. Contrary to what the name implies, the system is not a college, but a group of electors who cast their votes for the candidate who wins the majority of their state's votes. However, the electoral college can, but hasn't, go against the votes of the people in their area. Though many people do not like the electoral college, it would take two-thirds of the states or congressional votes to amend it or remove it from U.S. policy.
Nicole Emmons
Monday, Jan. 6 — Chili with cheese, sour cream and onion, house salad, cornbread, dessert
Jan. 4: Trivia Day
As most mothers are regarding their children, my mother is proud of me. I hear it all the time and, of course, it is wonderful that my mom likes to tell me this.
Nicole Emmons
Hello there, I'm Cletus. I was found roaming. I'm around 10 years old and look to be a Plott Hound/Heeler mix but the shelter doesn't know for sure. I've been around the block a few times and seen a thing or two. I'm an old soul, calm as a summer breeze. I enjoy slow walks, sunbathing, and a good belly rub. I'm all about companionship and taking it easy. I'm a friend who'll be by your side, a steady presence to brighten your days. If you're looking for a faithful friend with a gentle spirit, I'm your guy.
On Dec. 31, about an hour before midnight, Fair Play Police Chief French and Officer Thompson arrested Christopher Simpson, of Milo, for speeding and drunk driving.
Monday, Jan. 6
Today: Boston Tea Party Day
I love Christmas. Like a little child, I look forward to it and begin planning right after Halloween. By then I have usually bought a gift or two, or at least know what I am getting people. Then, of course, my gift list gets longer and longer as the day approaches because, especially for my mom, I just keep finding things they “just have to have!”
Nicole Emmons
SPRINGFIELD, Mo. – When used in controlled, supervised conditions, fire can be a beneficial land management tool. However, it’s important to stress that prescribed fire involves planning and on-site management.
Starting next week, in the Jan. 8 edition of the BH-FP, there will no longer be a Woods ad insert. Discontinuing the advertisement was not a decision of the paper but of the grocery store. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this decision, please contact Woods at 417-326-7601.
RAYMORE, Mo. – As first shared on This Week in Missouri Politics with Scott Faughn, Congressman Mark Alford (MO-04) is releasing a documentary recapping his week-long 2024 Town Hall Tour, a critical part of his service to Missouri’s 4th Congressional District.
In case you don’t recognize the title, this is the song commonly sung at pretty much all New Year’s celebrations, it is of Scottish origin and translates to “For Old Times’ Sake.” The song, however, has a fascinating history and dates back to the 18th century. It was originally a poem written by Robert Burns who submitted the piece to the Scots Musical Museum. Though he credits himself with being the first to write down the words, he states the song itself has much older origins and represents preserving relationships and memories from the previous year. In Scotland, people link hands and stand in a circle holding hands, then cross arms at the beginning of the last verse. It became a Scottish national song to sing at social occasions to demonstrate Scottish pride, around 1850.
Nicole Emmons
Hello, I'm Liqueur. I'm a gentle soul, a bit shy, but oh so mellow. I've been a mother to four little kittens, teaching them the ways of the world. I'm a quiet presence, preferring to watch the world go by from a cozy corner. I may take a little while to warm up to you, but once I do, I promise a bond like no other.
William of Normandy became William I of England in 1066 after winning the Battle of Hastings. For years he had to quell uprisings throughout his territories in England and France. While in Rouen, he died while subduing a riot. It is said that his horse reared up causing the horn of his saddle to hit him in the gut, rupturing a part of his intestine. He lingered in agony for weeks while his body filled with infection from the internal wound, until he finally passed away. Between his death and funeral service, his body grew bloated and filled with gases, making him too big for his coffin. While trying to cram him into the sarcophagus, things became unpleasant. Orderic, a monk on the scene explained it best, “the swollen bowels burst, and an intolerable stench assailed the nostrils of the bystanders,” leading to a very rushed funeral service.
Nicole Emmons
Today: Fruitcake and Leftovers Day
My grandmother’s death changed everything. Besides my mother, she was the most influential person in my life; her death left a hole that will never be completely filled.
Nicole Emmons
If you’re one of the many shoppers returning or exchanging a gift this year, make sure you check the return policy before you get started!
On Christmas Eve around 9:40 p.m., Corporal J.R. Rorie responded to a crash on Mo. 64, seven miles south of Pittsburg.
11/27: Fruitcake and Leftovers Day
Christmas movies are nostalgic; they bring memories from childhood and of a time that brought forth the magic of the season. When we are kids, we gladly wear our rose-colored glasses and just see the bright lights of the holiday.
Nicole Emmons
The legend of Santa Claus dates back to the third and fourth centuries. Saint Nicholas has been credited with being a monk or a bishop, but historians disagree on which. Nicholas was born in Turkey, which was then called Patara toward the end of the third century. He became wealthy and used that money to give to the less fortunate. He became a saint in 1446, over a thousand years after his death, and was canonized by Pope Eugene VI. St. Nick became part of American culture when immigrants from Europe brought the tales with them. Nicholas became Santa Claus thanks to the Dutch settlers, who called him Sinter Klaas, a shortened version of Sint Nikolaas - or St. Nicholas. Santa’s appearance of a fat man, dressed in red, who is jolly and merry, came from the 1823 poem, Twas the Night Before Christmas,” by Clement Clarke Moore.
Nicole Emmons
Hi, I'm Camella! I'm a sweet and playful girl. I'm around 3 years old and look to be a Parson Russell Terrier at just 30 lbs. I seem to be nearly potty-trained. I get along great with other dogs and love to play! I can be a snuggler or an active gal- I can adjust accordingly! Take me home and we can be BFF's.
St. Alban's Episcopal Church will celebrate Christmas Eve with lessons and carols at 2 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 24. The church is located at 201 S. Killingsworth Road in Bolivar.