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On Saturday, Jan. 11, there will be a birthday celebration for William Pool who turns 100 on Jan. 13. Friends and family are invited to attend the come-and-go party between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. at the Parkview Residential Care Home, located at 119 W. Forrest Street in Bolivar. Upon arrival, guests should go to the library for the festivities. The family asks that attendees do not bring gifts, but cards are encouraged. more
Saul was the self-professed Pharisee of all Pharisees. He was bloodthirsty and angry, determined to extinguish anything and anyone that proclaimed to be a Christian. more
Lori Henderson was the winner of the gift card to Brenda’s Cafe after winning the December I-Spy game, correctly guessing Creator Delights. Lori is proof that reading the paper doesn’t just provide you with news and entertainment, it can pay off as well. more
This morning, I stirred the white powder into a steaming mug of Earl Gray tea, watching it scatter and swirl like a freshly shaken snow globe until it melted from view. The powder is unflavored, but I added a generous dollop of honey so the tea would feel more like a treat and less like a treatment. more
Robert Eggers is one of those directors that always puts out exactly the movie he wants. I’m not saying that as a comment on his professionalism or his attitude, I’m saying that because he clearly has the ability to shut down naysayers. If he didn’t, we’d never get the archaic dialogue of 2015’s “The Witch” or the grainy imagery of 2019’s “The Lighthouse.” Here’s another idea that must have sounded ludicrous to his financial backers: a remake of a groundbreaking vampire film from over 100 years ago, a film whose legendary status makes it practically untouchable. The original came out five years before groundbreaking talkie “The Jazz Singer,” and there must have been a fear that Eggers’ take on the material would be about as well-received as the 1980 Neil Diamond version of that film (which is to say not well). But because Eggers puts out only what he wants, we have this sexually-tinged horror movie competing with Christmas blockbusters at the box office, and admirably holding its own. more
Lace up those running shoes, get out of the den and let the polar bear run during the 46th annual Polar Bear Run on Saturday, Feb. 8. more
The Second Annual deer hunters dinner, hosted by TPE (The Pursuit Element), will Saturday, Jan. 18 at the Polk County Fairgrounds. more
The Bolivar Elks Lodge will be hosting their 16th Annual Chili Cook-off on Saturday, Jan. 11. more
Saturday, Jan 11 more
Tuesday, Jan. 7, the Marionville Lady Comets braved a cold winter night to travel to Bolivar to make up for a canceled basketball game. more
The Polk County University of Missouri Extension Council will hold their annual election from Jan. 13 thru Jan. 17. Balloting may be done online or in person at the Polk County Extension Center, 110 E Jefferson, Bolivar, Mo. The online link may be found on the extension Facebook page on Jan. 13 at https://www.facebook.com/www.polkcounty.edu . Ballots may be requested to be mailed by calling the office at 417-326-4916. more
The Bolivar Herald-Free Press invites residents to send their engagement, wedding, baby, and other milestone announcements. more
Monday, Jan. 13 — BBQ beef stuffed baked potato, cheese, sour cream, onion, side salad, WG breadstick, brownie. more
How well do you know Polk County? more
Sew "N" Sew Quilt Guild will meet on Friday, Jan. 17 at United Methodist Church, 105 E. Division Street. Please come to the east entrance into the Fellowship Hall. Social time is at 9:30 a.m. and the meeting starts at 10 a.m. Amber with Sew Simple in Ozark will speak on “How to Design a Quilt Block”. All those interested in quilting are welcome to attend. Please contact Elizabeth Morgan at 417-422-7195 for more information. more
Tommy Dwaine Orrell more
Index more
Stay Alert and Know the Signs of Human Trafficking more
Due to an editorial error in the story regarding the Bolivar Liberators playing for the championship game, the team they were playing against was the Republic Tigers, not the Greenwood Bluejays. We apologize for the error. more
Estella Grace Carlin, the daughter of David and Bethany Carlin of Osceola, was the first baby born at CMH in 2025. Sarah Kallberg, D.O., with CMH OB/GYN Clinic delivered Estella at 11:12 a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 1. She weighed 7 pounds, 7 ounces and was 20 1/2 inches long. more
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Carly Cribbs more
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