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Saturday, Jan. 18, was the second annual Deer Hunters Dinner held at the Polk County Fairgrounds. more
The loss of a loved one can have powerful effects on each of us. If you are looking for a caring small group in which to find support, encouragement, and help, then our GriefShare groups might be just the thing you are looking for. This program is a grief support group that features Christ-centered, biblical teaching that focuses on grief topics associated with the death of a loved one. The DVD seminar features nationally respected grief experts, counselors, and real-life stories of people just like you, followed by a small group discussion about what was seen on the DVD. more
The Bolivar Herald-Free Press invites residents to send their engagement, wedding, baby, and other milestone announcements. more
My mom and I love to play games and we tend to get a bit obsessive about them, playing almost daily, before we putter out and need a new form of entertainment. more
Grow herbs indoors under a sunny windowsill or grow lights more
Russell Davis, D.O, with Citizens Memorial Hospital (CMH) Nephrology Clinic in Bolivar, has earned board certification in nephrology from the American Board of Internal Medicine. Dr. Davis joined the CMH medical staff in August 2024. more
“We are thrilled to hire Pat Miner as our pitching coach.” Bradley said, “Pat has demonstrated the passion and commitment that will greatly benefit our pitching staff and team. The future of Bearcat baseball is bright!” more
Morrisville Agri Leaders/FFA will host a squirrel Derby, Saturday, Feb. 1. more
Determining whether you are a business or investor (or something else) for tax purposes is not cut and dry and isn’t always tied to your legal structure. That determination affects the ability to deduct expenses, losses, and how income is taxed. Join Tamara Cushing from the University of Florida as she discusses some of the criteria for this determination and outline how that will impact your tax return. more
Do you speak techno-slovakian? more
Since two new releases made about $11 million each at the domestic box office this past weekend, and since I don’t have much to say about either movie, I’ve decided to throw them both a quick review. more
Dickerson Park Zoo will provide live owls for indoor programs in nature center auditorium. more
“Adding value to your cattle helps make your cattle operation profitable,” says Patrick Davis MU Extension Livestock Field Specialist. Therefore, MU Extension is partnering with Missouri State University to provide the SW MO Beef Cattle Conference, which will educate cattle producers on strategies that will add value to their beef cattle operation. more
Troop 45 Pack 128 will host a Pinewood Derby from 12 to 4 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 25, at the Bolivar Elks Lodge. The event will feature a build-your-own Lego car class for the kids to build on-site. more
How well do you know Polk County? more
The Bolivar Community Teachers Association is now accepting applications for the Spring 2025 student-teaching scholarship. Bolivar High School graduates currently involved in a student-teaching experience should contact Renee Shelenhamer at Bolivar Primary School (326-5247) or rshelenhamer@bolivarschools.org for an application. more
Bolivar Police Chief Mark Webb has announced he will soon retire from his career in law enforcement. more
Saturday, Jan. 25 more
Each year is a block of time that consists of 12 months, 52 weeks, 365 days, 8,760 hours, 525,600 minutes, and 31,536,000 seconds. All this time is a gift from God given equally to each of us. Young or old, rich or poor, strong or weak, educated or not,. Every man, woman, and child has the same 24 hours every day. more
The Bolivar Herald-Free Press invites residents to send their engagement, wedding, baby, and other milestone announcements. more
The loss of a loved one can have powerful effects on each of us. If you are looking for a caring small group in which to find support, encouragement, and help, then our GriefShare groups might be just the thing you are looking for. This program is a grief support group that features Christ-centered, biblical teaching that focuses on grief topics associated with the death of a loved one. The DVD seminar features nationally respected grief experts, counselors, and real-life stories of people just like you, followed by a small group discussion about what was seen on the DVD. more
Monday, Jan. 27 — Smothered chicken breast, rosemary potatoes, country mix veggies, WG Biscuit, Pears. more
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